SAS Zombie Assault Conception Wiki
Weapon Conception
- CM X2 Rage -
CM X2 Rage

Credit to Gracchus

Statistical Info
Base Stats
Damage/Projectile 340 [WHITE]
900 [RED]
1350 [Black]
Pierce 6
Rate of Fire 4 RPS
Capacity 30
Reload Time 2.8 sec
Area of Effect 1.2 m
Movement -18%
Firing Mode Full-Auto
Weapon Class Rocket Launcher
Damage Type EnergyicoShock
Ammo Cost $1200 for 50
$12000 for 50 [RED]
$14400 for 50 [Black]

$4800 for 50 (premium)
$48000 for 50 [RED]
$57600 for 50 [Black]

Ammo Used [?] Shock Rockets
"The X2 Rage fires cluster of highly concentrated electricity that unleashes powerful shockwave upon impact"
―Official Description

CM X2 Rage is a Rocket Launcher manufactured by Critical Mass.
