SAS Zombie Assault Conception Wiki
"Armed with a varied arsenal, the mechanic can do many things, from attacking zombies to helping the team."
―Official Description

The Mechanic is a class with varied skills. It starts with a Z-4 Pump, an HVM 001 pistol, and a HVM Kevlar Vest.




1. Next Gen Turrets[]

Increases turret damage and ammo. (each tier increases this effect)

2. Antivirus Bullets[]

Mechanical zombies (Zombdroids, Mechs etc.) will get stunned for a short amount of time if hit by bullets. (each tier increases stun time)

3. Emergency Nanobots[]

Increased damage reduction and health regeneration if at low health. (each tier increases this effect)

4. Energy Efficiency[]

Decreased energy cost of activated abilities. (each tier increases this effect)


1. Necrotic Field[]

For a period of time, all nearby enemies take damage. (each tier increases damage) (starting ability)

2. Energy Field[]

Deploys an energy field, displacing zombies and doesn't allow enemies and enemy projectiles in. Medpacks can't escape the field, but turrets, grenades, and bullets can. SAS can go leave and enter the field at will. (each tier increases duration of field)

3. Combat Mech[]

Deploys combat mech to destroy enemies. Combat mech is like a Zombie Mech, but doesn't have equal health, comes without the flamethrower and repulsing wave, and is only deployed for a limited duration. (each tier increases duration and health, but will never reach zombie mech health level) (Unlocked Level 20)


  • The player says "Combat mech deployed!" when they use the Combat Mech (like Medic's "This ought to clean you up!" when using Zombie Antidote, Heavy's "Incoming bombardment!" when using Aerial Bombardment, and Assault's "Assault team GO GO GO!" when using assault team)
  • I would've named this "The Engineer", but two others beat me to it.