SAS Zombie Assault Conception Wiki
Weapon Conception
- Quad K12 GL -
none yet
Statistical Info
Base Stats
Damage/Projectile 800 [WHITE]
2400 [RED]
3600 [Black]
Pierce 10
Rate of Fire 12 RPS
Capacity 4
Reload Time 3 sec, 2.8 sec [RED]
Area of Effect 3m
Movement -30%
Firing Mode Semi-Auto
Weapon Class Grenade Launcher (Rocket Launcher)
Damage Type Physicalico Physical
Ammo Used [?] Standard Rockets
Additional Stats
- Right click to fire rest of grenades in clip
- Cannot be augmented with capacity

Quad K12 GL is an semi-auto quad-barreled grenade launcher manufactured by Koprulu Marine Supply.
